What is the Email Marketing Conversion Rate

What is Cold Email? A Beginner’s Complete Guide (2024)

Maybe you’ve just heard about “cold email” and want to learn more, or perhaps you’ve heard of it but aren’t sure how it works. Either way, you’re in the right spot.

Cold emailing is a great way to reach out to potential customers and get leads. It’s affordable and easy to expand, which makes it perfect for businesses big and small.

What is a Cold Email?

Cold emailing is essentially reaching out to someone you don’t know to establish a connection, aiming for mutual benefits like sales or opportunities. For instance, if you have a software company selling data analysis tools, you might use cold email to reach out to potential enterprise-level clients.

However, it’s important to differentiate cold emailing from email marketing. While both are impactful, they have different approaches and goals.

Cold emailing focuses on individual outreach to build relationships and secure deals, while email marketing involves sending mass emails to a targeted audience to promote products or services.

Are Cold Emailing and Email Marketing the same thing?

No, cold email and email marketing are not the same. They represent different approaches to reaching potential customers or clients, with a key distinction lying in the relationship between the sender and the recipient.

Cold emailing entails sending highly personalized emails to individuals with whom you have no prior connection. The objective is to initiate contact and establish a relationship to pitch a product or service. Many companies employ cold email for their sales outreach efforts, including renowned brands like:

HubSpot: HubSpot maintains a dedicated team for cold email outreach, leveraging personalized emails to introduce its software to potential clients. Offering free trials and demos, they’ve successfully converted numerous prospects into paying customers.

Dropbox: Dropbox utilizes cold emails to engage potential users, providing additional storage space if they sign up through a referral link. This approach facilitated the rapid expansion of their user base, establishing them as a leading cloud storage provider.

Grammarly: Grammarly offers free trials to businesses and enterprises as a means to connect with potential users. Through cold emailing, they’ve effectively generated leads and expanded their user base.

Here’s an example of a cold email:

cold email example
Image Source -saleshandy

On the other hand, email marketing entails sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers who have willingly opted to receive your communications. The objective is to nurture a relationship with subscribers by delivering value consistently, ultimately converting them into customers. Many businesses leverage email marketing for their inbound sales efforts, including the following examples:

Airbnb: Airbnb sends personalized and captivating emails to its subscribers, showcasing various travel destinations and experiences.

Kate Spade: This fashion brand sends promotional emails featuring discounts and limited-time offers, enticing subscribers to make purchases.

Litmus: As an email marketing company, Litmus sends regular newsletters offering insights and tips on best practices in email marketing.

Here’s an example of a marketing email:

Image Source -saleshandy

Now that we’ve grasped the basics, let’s delve into the detailed differences between cold emailing and email marketing:

1) Objective:

Cold emailing aims to initiate contact and generate leads from potential customers, while email marketing focuses on nurturing relationships with existing customers, educating them about products or services, and driving conversions and sales.

2) Personalization:

Cold emailing involves the highest level of personalization, often on a one-to-one basis. Email marketing typically has lower levels of personalization and may come across as spammy if not executed properly.

3) Frequency:

Cold emailing typically involves sending multiple emails initially, including follow-ups. Email marketing frequency varies case by case but usually consists of 1-2 emails per week or month.

4) Metrics:

Cold emailing emphasizes metrics like deliverability rates, open rates, response rates, and click-through rates. Email marketing focuses on open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated.

5) Tools:

Cold emailing utilizes tools for prospecting, list building, email verification, warm-ups, scheduling, and follow-ups. Email marketing tools manage subscriptions, create email content, and analyze campaign performance.

In summary, cold emailing strategically targets potential customers, whereas email marketing targets existing customers with their permission.

Now, you might wonder: Is sending cold emails considered spam or illegal since we contact recipients without permission? Let’s explore this further.

Is it legal to send Cold Emails?

Typically, cold emails are deemed lawful, yet their legality hinges on the laws and regulations of a particular country or region.

For instance, in the United States, the CAN-SPAM Act mandates rules for commercial emails. These include providing clear opt-out options and accurate sender information. Non-compliance can lead to penalties.

If your outreach strategy adheres to applicable national and state spam laws, cold emailing is entirely safe and lawful. Before sending, it’s crucial to comprehend the regulations of both the sender’s and recipient’s countries.

It’s evident that cold emailing, when done correctly, isn’t spam and is deemed legal. Now, let’s explore why it’s such an effective approach.

What are some of the benefits of Cold Emailing?

If you’re seeking to connect with potential customers, cold emailing can prove to be a valuable strategy for your business. Here are some key advantages of cold emailing:

1. Targeted: Cold emailing enables you to pinpoint specific individuals or businesses whom you believe could benefit from your product or service. By personalizing your message to each recipient, you enhance the likelihood of receiving a response.

2. Scalable: Cold emailing is a scalable approach to reaching potential customers or clients. You can send hundreds or even thousands of emails simultaneously, swiftly reaching numerous potential clients.

3. Cost-effective: Unlike traditional marketing and sales techniques, cold emailing doesn’t require substantial investment in advertisements or referrals. All you need is an email address and a well-crafted message.

4. Better ROI: When executed correctly, cold emailing can yield a superior return on investment (ROI) compared to other outreach methods. You can easily monitor metrics such as open rates, reply rates, and conversions to assess the effectiveness of your campaign and make necessary adjustments.

At this point, you’ve grasped the advantages of cold emailing and its effectiveness. Now, let’s explore the various use cases of cold emailing and discover how to maximize their potential.

What are the various use cases of Cold Email?

Sending cold emails can serve various purposes, depending on your needs. Here are some of the most common use cases:

1) Lead generation:

Using cold emailing to generate leads can be highly effective.

For instance, if you operate a B2B software company and aim to generate leads for your product/service, you can begin by researching your target audience and compiling a list of prospects. Once you understand their needs, you can craft a persuasive message and pitch your services to them.

By reaching out to hundreds or thousands of prospects with tailored messages, you can potentially generate numerous leads. This approach allows you to initiate relationships and gradually convert them into valuable customers.

2) Business partnerships:

Cold emailing is also effective for establishing partnerships with other businesses. This entails reaching out to potential partners and outlining how your company can enhance theirs.

For example, if you operate a digital marketing agency specializing in social media management and aim to collaborate with popular influencers in your client’s niche, you can begin by researching influencers in your target industry and compiling a list of potential partners.

Once you have your list, you can initiate contact via email with a compelling offer, ultimately sealing the partnership. A carefully crafted cold email can initiate a dialogue that leads to a mutually advantageous partnership.

3) Networking:

Cold emailing offers a way to broaden your professional network by connecting with individuals you admire or aspire to collaborate with in your industry or related fields.

For instance, if you aim to network with others in your industry, you can begin by visiting their websites, locating their email addresses, or utilizing a third-party tool to compile a list. Once you have your list, you can send them tailored and personalized emails to forge connections.

A personalized and considerate cold email can facilitate the establishment of connections and potentially pave the way for future collaborations.

What is a cold email outreach, and how to do it effectively?

Cold email outreach involves strategically sending personalized emails to individuals or businesses to capture their interest in your product or service.

This approach generates leads, enhances brand awareness, and transforms recipients into paying customers. The critical factors include crafting a personalized and engaging message that connects with your target audience and consistently following up to foster relationships and build trust.

Now that we understand the effectiveness of cold email outreach, it’s essential to approach it strategically. Here’s a 6-step process on how to conduct cold email outreach:

Step 1: Identify your target audience and build an ICP

Begin by thoroughly researching and pinpointing your target audience. Cold emailing without considering their needs and interests will likely yield ineffective results.

According to a Gartner report, only 23.9% of sales emails are opened. To enhance the likelihood of a response, it’s crucial to ensure that your emails are sent to the right person, at the right time, and with regular intervals.

By narrowing down your target audience, you can tailor emails that are pertinent and captivating to each individual you aim to connect with.

After completing your research, the next step is to create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). An ICP outlines the characteristics of individuals or companies that would benefit from your offerings. It identifies the most valuable prospects and customers who are more inclined to make a purchase or close a deal with you.

To create an ICP, based on your research findings, compile a list of key customer attributes you’d like to see in your prospects. Some characteristics to consider may include:

– Location
– Budget
– Department
– Annual Revenue
– Company size
– Industry, etc.

Step 2: Build your lead list

A well-structured lead list can streamline outreach efforts and enhance the likelihood of converting ideal customers into paying clients.

A lead list comprises potential customers aligned with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), typically featuring their contact details like name, email, designation, and company name, among others.

Having a lead list is essential as it furnishes a pool of highly relevant potential customers, saving time and effort in reaching out to individuals likely to be interested in your offering.

There are two approaches to building a lead list: the Trigger/Intent-based approach and the General Prospecting approach.

Trigger/Intent-based approach:
This method involves identifying specific triggers or intents suggesting potential interest in your offering, then targeting those prospects with personalized and timely cold emails. Triggers could range from a company’s recent funding announcement to a change in leadership or a recent press release indicating a need or new product launch.

General prospecting approach:
Contrary to the Trigger/Intent-based approach, this method entails searching for potential sources where contact information can be found based on your ICP. Sources may include websites, forums, communities, existing databases, or manual extraction.

Regardless of the approach chosen, there are four ways to build your lead list:

1) Manual Research:
Conducting manual research involves scouring the internet for potential leads and compiling their contact information. While time-consuming, this approach ensures lead quality, making it ideal for targeting specific niches or industries with smaller prospect sizes.

2) Email Scraping Tools:
These automated tools expedite the manual process by extracting email addresses from websites and social media platforms. However, be cautious as some tools may not comply with regulations, potentially affecting deliverability.

3) Third-Party Databases & Software:
These tools offer access to a wide range of contact information for professionals and businesses within your niche or industry. Although convenient, data accuracy may vary, impacting email deliverability.

4) Purchasing a List from a Third-Party Provider:
While this option saves time, it can be costly and may result in outdated or irrelevant email addresses.

Once you’ve created your lead list, ensure its verification to improve deliverability. Now, let’s explore how to maximize email deliverability for your cold email efforts in the next step.

Step 3: Setup & Email Deliverability

Setting up email deliverability is crucial for cold emailing as it directly impacts the success of your outreach efforts. Here are some key considerations to ensure better deliverability:

Choosing Domain:
Using your primary domain for cold emailing can harm your domain reputation, affecting email open and response rates. It’s essential to have secondary domains and email accounts to maintain good deliverability.

Domain Warmup:
Email warmup is vital for new accounts to establish a positive reputation gradually. This involves sending a small number of emails initially and gradually increasing the volume to build trust with email providers.

Authentication Records:
Authenticate your email accounts to enhance deliverability. Key authentication records include SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance), and custom tracking domains.

Custom Tracking:
Utilize custom tracking domains to monitor email engagement without compromising sender reputation.

By following these steps, you can optimize your email deliverability for successful cold emailing. Now, let’s focus on crafting compelling emails.

Step 4: Write

Writing a captivating cold email requires attention to detail and a focus on key components: the subject line, preheader text, and body. Let’s delve into each:

Subject Line:
An engaging subject line grabs attention and compels recipients to open the email. Crafting one is vital as it determines email open rates.

A strong subject line distinguishes your email from others in the inbox, increasing chances of engagement.

Key tips for crafting an effective subject line include:

– Keep it concise (<60 characters).
– Personalize when possible.
– Utilize action-oriented language.
– Ensure clarity and relevance to your email’s value.
– Avoid spam-triggering words.

Investing effort into composing a compelling subject line enhances the success of your cold email outreach. Now, let’s explore the preheader text and body of the email.

Step 5: Analyze

Tracking and analyzing your cold email outreach performance is critical for making informed decisions and refining your approach. Here are key metrics to monitor:

1) Deliverability Rate:
This indicates the percentage of emails successfully reaching recipients’ inboxes. Factors like sender reputation and domain setup influence deliverability. Aim for a bounce rate below 3-5% and a delivery rate of 95% or higher.

2) Open Rate:
The open rate reveals the percentage of recipients who open your emails. A rate of 39% or more is considered good, with over 57% indicating exceptional success. Factors impacting open rates vary, so continual testing is crucial.

3) Reply Rate:
This measures the proportion of emails that elicit a response. Average reply rates typically range between 10-20% of total emails sent, though results may vary based on campaign specifics.

4) Click-Through Rate (CTR):
CTR indicates the percentage of recipients taking action based on your email’s goal. The average CTR for cold emailing is around 2.3%, serving as a benchmark for performance evaluation.

By analyzing these metrics, you can optimize your cold email outreach strategy for greater effectiveness and engagement.

Step 6: Optimize

Once you’ve analyzed your cold email results, optimizing your approach is crucial for future success. Here are key areas to focus on:

1) Timing:
Tailor your outreach timing to suit your target audience and industry. While there’s no universal “best time,” research and testing can reveal optimal windows. For example, tech companies may respond better on Monday mornings, while HR professionals might prefer afternoons.

2) Email Length:
Find the right balance between brevity and content. Research suggests that emails between 50 to 125 words tend to elicit the highest response rates. However, testing different lengths and content types is essential to gauge audience preferences accurately.

3) Value Proposition:
If your open rates are high but reply rates are low, it’s likely your value proposition isn’t resonating. Refine your pitch to better address the needs and interests of your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Relevance is key in cold emailing, so ensure your offer aligns with your audience’s expectations.

By continuously analyzing results and refining your approach, you can improve response rates and achieve your campaign goals. But beyond optimization, there are additional best practices to consider to enhance your outreach efforts.

Best Cold Email tool?

Email Jinny is one of the best cold email automation tools, allowing you to send personalized emails at scale with the highest email deliverability absolutely FREE.

It sends out cold emails one by one, making them appear to be sent manually, mimicking human-like sending approaches. Also, you can easily manage the number of replies on the email sent using Email Jinny and respond to them from a single place in a unified inbox.


  • Personalization: With Email Jinny, you can easily personalize your cold email. This helps you to increase engagement and response to your emails.
  • Automation: Email Jinny provides powerful automation features such as email tracking. that saves you time and effort in sending emails at scale.
  • Deliverability: Email Jinny uses advanced email deliverability techniques, so your emails are delivered with 100% accuracy.


  • Lifetime Free:  Email Jinny provides a lifetime free plan using this plan you can send unlimited emails free of cost with our logo.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What constitutes a good cold email?

A good cold email is characterized by personalization, brevity, and offering value to the recipient. It should feature an engaging subject line that prompts the recipient to open the email. The body should introduce yourself, explain the purpose of your outreach, and articulate your request. Lastly, the email should conclude with a clear call to action, such as “Let’s schedule a meeting.”

2. Is cold emailing legal?

Yes, cold emailing is legal in many jurisdictions, including the US and Canada, provided certain regulations are followed. In the US, the CAN-SPAM Act sets guidelines for commercial emails, including the inclusion of an opt-out mechanism and your physical mailing address.

3. What is cold email outreach, and why is it significant?

Cold email outreach involves the strategic sending of personalized emails to individuals or businesses to pique their interest in your product or service. It is important because it allows you to initiate contact with potential leads and establish relationships, ultimately leading to business opportunities and growth.

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