How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day?

Were you aware that a staggering 91.5% of cold email outreach goes unanswered? However, this doesn’t imply that sending cold emails will automatically land you in the spam folder. Quite the opposite, actually. It suggests that the majority of people mishandle cold email campaigns, whether it’s the content or the volume of emails sent.

Today, we aim to address one of the pivotal questions in email marketing: How many cold emails should you send per day? Let’s delve into it.

How many cold emails to send per day?

The ideal number of daily cold emails largely hinges on your prior experiences with cold emailing. For beginners, sending between 10 to 20 emails per day is advisable.

As you progress and incorporate automation into your cold email strategies, you can gradually escalate the volume of emails sent each day.

Your capacity to craft emails for a cold outreach campaign isn’t inherently restricted. Rather, limitations arise from factors like your email service provider and sender reputation. Allow us to elaborate.

Warming up an email address

Just as you wouldn’t floor the gas pedal and speed to 100 miles per hour immediately after starting your car, you should approach email inboxes with a gradual warming process to avoid damaging your email reputation. If you flood the system with 100 emails on your first day, email service providers may flag you for spam.

Email warmup involves slowly introducing emails over time to establish trust with email providers. This can be done manually or through an email warmup service, which sends a variety of emails to different addresses daily, jumpstarting your cold emailing campaigns.

While an email warming service may entail some expense, the investment is worthwhile as it ensures your email account is ready for use sooner rather than later.

Understanding the daily sending limit with different providers

The number of emails you can send per day is typically determined by your email service provider, regardless of whether you’re reaching out to previous contacts or conducting cold email campaigns.

A crucial tip for a successful cold email campaign is to avoid relying on free email providers. For instance, a free Gmail account allows you to send up to 500 emails per day, whereas a paid account increases the limit to 2,000 emails.

Here are the daily sending limits for some other email service providers:

Yahoo!: 500 emails
– Office 365: 10,000 emails
– Outlook account: 300 emails
– Mailgun: 300 emails
– ProtonMail: 150 (free) and 10,000 (paid)

So, when determining how many cold emails to send per day, consider the limitations of your email service provider. If you’re initiating new cold email campaigns, select providers based on the daily volume you require.

While occasionally exceeding daily sending limits may not result in immediate consequences, it’s best to avoid doing so frequently. For example, Google Workspace will halt email sending if you surpass its daily limit, while other providers may delay delivery until the limit is reset. However, it’s advisable to refrain from consistently exceeding these limits to prevent potential issues.

Your sender reputation makes a major impact on your cold email campaigns

Your sender reputation functions akin to a credit score assigned by email service providers, reflecting your credibility as a sender. A favorable sender reputation increases the likelihood of your cold emails, as well as other types of emails, reaching recipients’ inboxes.

Several factors influence your sender reputation:

– The frequency of bounced emails
– The incidence of spam complaints received from your emails
– Avoiding hitting spam traps during cold email outreach
– Email engagement metrics, such as open and response rates for your cold email marketing campaigns
– The level of email segmentation and personalization, distinguishing between bulk emails and personalized cold emails
– The volume of cold emails dispatched within a specific timeframe

Maintaining a positive sender reputation requires vigilance across these factors. Given that many cold email campaigns involve mass-sending identical messages to recipients, it’s unsurprising that they often fail to uphold a favorable sender reputation.

How to get a better sender reputation

The factors that influence sender reputation are well-known, which makes it easy to watch out for dangers and stay out of spam folders. With a sold email sender reputation, you’ll have an easier time with your cold email efforts.

Here are some practical tips of keeping your sender reputation spotless:

  • Use email validation services and clean your email lists before sending out your next cold email campaign
  • Give your recipients an easy way to unsubscribe and include a link for it in your cold emails
  • Segment and personalize your cold emails
  • Use authentication protocols before sending out any cold emails

A good reputation won’t just affect how many cold emails you can send. It will affect the success of all of your email marketing campaigns, so it’s worth keeping an eye on it.

What to do if you have a brand new email account

If you’re utilizing a new email address or managing multiple email accounts for sending purposes, it’s crucial to proceed with caution to ensure success. Hastiness can result in triggering spam filters across various mail servers, ultimately causing more harm than benefit.

Begin by gently warming up your email account, gradually increasing the volume of emails sent each day. Alternatively, you can opt for an email warmup service to expedite the process.

When you’ve obtained an email list from a trustworthy scraper or email tool, refrain from simply launching a cold email campaign. It’s imperative to meticulously vet the email list to eliminate invalid addresses, outdated entries, typos, spam traps, and other potential issues.

Take heed of your daily sending limit and exercise restraint, especially in the early stages. If you’re unsure about the permissible number of cold emails you can send per day, conduct thorough research to avoid exceeding limits.

Finally, prioritize personalization in your cold emails tailored to individual recipients. Evade the spam folder by customizing your emails according to distinct audience segments rather than employing a one-size-fits-all approach for everyone on your list.

How Email Jinny helps with your cold email marketing efforts

Getting your message to your desired audience without setting off spam filters and without breaching your email service provider’s (ESP) daily sending limits can pose a challenge. At Email Jinny, we’ve developed a cold email platform designed to enhance your open and click-through rates. Here’s how our cold email tool can assist you.

Automated email verification

Prior to dispatching your cold emails, EmailJinny meticulously verifies each one. By eliminating invalid and outdated email accounts, your sender score remains unscathed. This process not only enhances response rates but also fosters a favorable sender reputation effortlessly.

Easy integration

Email Jinny seamlessly integrates with your chosen email provider to send emails directly from your account. Whether you manage one or multiple email addresses, Email Jinny automates your campaigns, allowing you to engage promptly when recipients respond. Let Email Jinny handle the heavy lifting while you focus on other tasks.

Tracking cold emailing performance in a detailed dashboard

Sending emails from a Gmail account can leave you guessing about their fate. With Email Jinny, you can track various metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, responses, and more. Our user-friendly dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your campaign’s success, allowing you to stay informed effortlessly.

Wrapping up

Many individuals struggle to effectively manage a large volume of cold emails. However, achieving excellent results from cold emails and steering clear of the spam folder is entirely possible if you adhere to the appropriate daily sending quotas. By prioritizing factors like sender reputation, email warmup, and targeted audience segmentation, you can significantly enhance your outcomes.

At Email Jinny, we’re here to assist you. Our cold email tool enables effortless outreach to numerous contacts while safeguarding your email deliverability and adhering to your ESP’s sending limits. With Email Jiiny, you can maintain a favorable sender reputation and keep your recipients engaged.

Start your journey today with our FREE Plan!

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