What is mass email marketing?

What is Mass Email Marketing?

In today’s world, email marketing is still a big deal for businesses of all shapes and sizes. And among the different ways to do email marketing, mass email marketing is a standout. It’s basically sending emails to a bunch of people at once, but making each email feel like it’s just for them. In this guide, we’ll break down what mass email marketing is all about, why it’s good for businesses, and how to do it right.

What is Mas Email Marketing

Commonly referred to as bulk email marketing, mass email marketing entails sending identical emails to a sizable group of recipients all at once. It’s a widely used method for disseminating non-interactive communication, like announcements, promotions, offers, and educational content.

Through mass email marketing campaigns, businesses have the opportunity to communicate with their target audience, enhance awareness, increase engagement and conversions, and more, depending on the content conveyed in the campaign emails.

Despite the uniformity of the email content across recipients, there’s still room for personalization.

Who are the Receivers of Mass Mailing?

The recipients of mass marketing emails are people who have agreed to receive email communication from a business by giving them their email addresses and becoming a part of the mass mailing list.

Is Mass Mailing Spam?

Basically, even though mass marketing emails can end up in the spam folder because they’re not sent the right way, they’re not actually spam. Unlike spam, these emails are only sent to people who agreed to get emails from a business. Spam, on the other hand, is unwanted, random, and breaks laws like GDPR and CAN-SPAM, which makes it illegal too.

Does email mass marketing still work?

it’s still widely used and relevant. However, it’s worth mentioning that it’s not as effective as other strategies. This is mainly because mass emails often lack personalization or customization, making them less engaging for recipients. In today’s digital landscape, where consumers expect tailored content, this limitation can hinder the success of email marketing campaigns.

Difference Between Mass Email Marketing and Email Blasting

People sometimes mix up mass email marketing with email blasting. But there are small differences between them that make them different from each other.


Mass email marketing can include personalized features, which means it can send content customized for different groups of people based on things like age, behavior, and interests. On the flip side, email blasts don’t have this customization, so they’re more generic and the same for everyone.


Even though mass email marketing sends out lots of emails, they’re usually of good quality, which could lead to more people interacting with them and making purchases. But with email blasts, the main aim is to send out as many emails as possible, so the quality of each email isn’t as crucial.


Multiple audience segments are defined and targeted in mass email marketing campaigns, while the same is not the case for email blasts which target as large of an audience as possible without any segmentation. 

Advantages and disadvantages of mass email marketing

Pros and Cons of Mass Email Marketing


Affordable – Mass email marketing is known for being budget-friendly, allowing businesses to save money compared to other advertising methods like social media or pay-per-click campaigns.

Easy to track – Using email marketing software, businesses can easily monitor performance metrics such as open rates, conversion rates, and click-through rates, enabling them to gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly. This tracking is more difficult with other forms of advertising, like print media.

Fast delivery – Mass email marketing campaigns can be executed quickly and effortlessly, reaching hundreds or even thousands of people within minutes, unlike print media which takes longer to distribute.

High return on investment (ROI) – With an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, mass email marketing offers a lucrative return on investment, especially considering its low operating costs compared to other mass marketing channels.

Versatile – Mass email marketing is suitable for businesses of all sizes. While small businesses benefit most from its affordability, larger businesses can also capitalize on its effectiveness with minimal investment and resources.


Commonly flagged as spam – One major drawback of mass email marketing is that it often gets labeled as spam. Because these campaigns reach large audiences, their relevance can decrease, leading email providers and recipients to mark them as spam. This can harm the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and damage your sender reputation.

Lack of personalization – Today’s email recipients expect personalized content. While some level of personalization is possible with mass email marketing, it can’t match the individualized approach of one-on-one email campaigns, where everything from the subject line to the message content can be tailored based on recipient data.

High unsubscribe rates – Compared to more personalized approaches, mass email marketing tends to have higher unsubscribe rates. This is because recipients may find the content less relevant or valuable when it’s not tailored to their interests.

Legal and ethical concerns – Mass email marketing raises legal and ethical issues. For example, while the US allows sending unsolicited commercial emails under the CAN-SPAM Act, the UK requires businesses to obtain permission first. Adhering to these regulations is crucial to avoid legal trouble and maintain ethical standards.

Formatting and optimization challenges – Achieving consistent email formatting and appearance across various email platforms and devices is difficult in mass email marketing. This is because the wide range of recipients use different email providers and devices, making it hard to ensure that emails appear as intended.

Guide: Steps for Mass Email Marketing

Now that we understand what mass email marketing entails and its advantages and disadvantages, let’s delve into the process of running such a campaign.

1. Choose an Email Marketing Platform

To simplify your mass email marketing efforts and send campaigns efficiently, selecting an email marketing platform that meets your requirements in terms of features and sending capacity is essential.

Consider features such as SMTP or API sending options, email builder, email list management, marketing automation tools, real-time analytics, email templates, and any other functionalities you find necessary.

When it comes to sending volume, opt for a service provider that can handle the number of emails you plan to send without experiencing delays or bottlenecks.

One excellent choice is Email Jinny’s Bulk Email Stream, which allows you to send bulk emails at transactional rates. With the Email Jinny Email Delivery Platform supporting both marketing and transactional emails, you can manage all your sending needs in one place without compromising deliverability.

Additionally, Email Jinny’s Bulk Email Stream offers various benefits, including:

– Easy and secure setup process
– Free Unlimited Mass Mailing
– Detailed analytics for actionable insights
– No daily limit

You can explore this feature today by signing up for a free Email Jinny account!


2. Identify Your Goals

To ensure you’re heading in the right direction, maintaining relevance, and facilitating easy measurement of success, establish a clear goal for your mass email marketing campaign. This goal could involve increasing sales, driving website traffic, fostering customer relationships, or similar objectives.

3. Create an Email List

If you haven’t yet gathered the email addresses of individuals interested in receiving messages from your business, it’s essential to start doing so. You can accomplish this by implementing opt-in or subscription forms on your landing page or by reaching out to prospects on platforms like LinkedIn. It’s crucial to do this step correctly and avoid purchasing email lists. Building a quality email list takes time and patience, so allow sufficient time for this process.

4. Organize Your Email List into Segments

What’s even more valuable than a quality email list? A carefully segmented one! After gathering enough email addresses for your mass email marketing campaigns, divide them into distinct and thoughtfully planned segments.

5. Outline Your Campaign Content

To ensure your content resonates with your target audience, strategize it to align with the goals for each segment. For instance, if your objective for segment “A” is to educate, consider crafting an email featuring a case study on an industry topic or showcasing how your product resolved a customer’s issue.

Additionally, keep in mind that your email content should be easy to comprehend, consistently deliver value, and incorporate a clear call-to-action (CTA).

6. Include Personalized Touches

While you might not have as many options for personalization compared to other campaign types, it’s still important not to overlook personalizing your email. Utilize recipient data such as their name, location, website activity, purchase history, and more to tailor your messages.

7. Make Sure You're Following Regulations

In this article, we’ve highlighted the complexities of running mass email marketing campaigns due to the numerous laws and regulations that must be adhered to. While it’s essential to study these regulations or seek legal advice before launching your first campaign, you can ensure compliance to the best of your knowledge by:

1. Obtaining proper consent before sending emails.
2. Providing unsubscribe links in your emails.
3. Promptly removing individuals who unsubscribe from your email list.
4. Avoiding the use of misleading, deceptive, or false information.

8. Track and Evaluate Performance

Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, and conversion rates are essential for monitoring and analyzing your campaign’s performance. These metrics help you gauge your progress towards achieving your goals and identify areas for improvement.

Mass Email Marketing Concepts and Templates

Now that you understand the basics of creating a mass email marketing campaign, it’s time to brainstorm ideas for your own. Don’t worry about feeling pressured to come up with something entirely original right away.

For your first or next mass email marketing campaign, feel free to utilize some proven ideas and templates, including:

Flash sales

Create a campaign informing your email subscribers about a flash sale happening in your eCommerce store, featuring significant discounts. Highlight the limited time frame of the sale in the campaign to evoke a sense of urgency.

Subject: Limited Time Offer: Flash Sale with Huge Discounts!

Dear [Subscriber's Name],

We have an exciting announcement for you! For a limited time only,
we're hosting a flash sale with significant discounts on our most popular products. This is an exclusive opportunity for our valued subscribers like you to enjoy incredible savings. Don't wait too long, as this flash sale is only available for a limited period. Act now to take advantage of these amazing deals before they're gone! Visit our website or click the button below to explore the sale and start adding your favorite items to your cart. Remember, stocks are limited, so make your move quickly! [Call-to-action button: Shop Now] Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to grab our high-quality products at unbeatable prices. Happy shopping! Best regards, [Your Company Name]

Template Source – Mailtrap

Early access offer

Craft a campaign offering exclusive early access to product launches, special features, or sales.

Subject: Get Exclusive Early Access to Exciting Offers!

Dear [Subscriber's Name],

We have a special treat for our most valued subscribers like you! As a token of our appreciation, we're granting you exclusive early access to our upcoming product launches and sales events.

Be the first to discover and take advantage of the latest offers, limited-time deals, and exciting new products before anyone else. This is your chance to stay ahead of the crowd and enjoy exclusive benefits.

To access the exclusive early access, simply visit our website or click the button below. Keep an eye on your inbox for upcoming notifications about exclusive events and launches.

[Call-to-action button: Explore Exclusive Offers]

Thank you for being a part of our loyal subscriber community. We can't wait to show you the fantastic surprises we have in store for you!

Best regards,

[Your Company Name]

Template Source – Mailtrap

Best tips and Advice for Sending Mass Emails

If you follow the steps we talked about earlier, you’ll probably make a good campaign the first time you try. But to make it even better, follow some common tips for mass email marketing, like:

Use a different way to send your mass emails to make sure they reach people's inboxes better.

Many email senders send different kinds of emails to their subscribers. Along with your mass marketing emails, you’ll likely send transactional ones too.

It’s important to follow the best practice of using separate infrastructure, different IPs, and if possible, different domains or subdomains for sending mass marketing and transactional emails. Why? Because it helps improve email deliverability!

By separating these types of emails into different streams, you help mailbox providers distinguish between more critical (transactional emails) and less critical messages (mass marketing emails) that need to reach your subscribers. This also gives them a clearer understanding of your sending practices, which keeps deliverability high for both streams.

With separate streams, you also get separate suppression lists. This means that a contact suppressed from the mass marketing stream can still receive emails from the transactional one and vice versa. This prevents issues like spam complaints or hard bounces from one stream affecting the delivery of emails in the other stream or your domain reputation!

Discover the optimal day and time to send your mass marketing emails.

The best time and day to send your email campaign, whether it’s a big one or not, can vary based on your business, industry, target audience across different time zones, and your campaign goals. However, there are generally safe times and days to consider:

Weekdays, especially Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, when people are not too busy catching up on work or winding down for the weekend.
Mid-morning around 10 AM or early afternoon between 1 PM to 3 PM, when people are typically focused on their work or checking their emails before or after lunch.

Don't buy leads or email addresses for your mass email marketing campaigns.

Whether buying leads or email addresses for mass email marketing campaigns is legal or illegal largely depends on enforced laws and regulations. However, it’s crucial to understand that many individuals on purchased email lists haven’t actually agreed to be contacted for promotional purposes by you or other businesses. Sending even a single email to them could violate CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations.

If you’re considering purchasing an email list legally, be sure to carefully assess the provider. However, there are drawbacks to using purchased lists, such as legal issues, low engagement, high unsubscribe rates, high bounce rates, and damage to sender reputation. Consider whether these are challenges you’re willing to face if you’re not building an email list organically.

Ensure the email content is valuable.

Without providing value, the content of your emails in your mass email marketing campaign is just text that might not get read. It could even lead recipients to unsubscribe from your emails. To avoid this, make sure each email includes:

– Relevant information
– Educational content
– Interesting offers or recommendations
– Other types of content that address your audience’s needs and interests

Also, ensure that the main value of your email is in the text part. This is because sometimes the visuals in emails don’t show up properly. So, even if the visuals fail, you want to be sure the value is still there in the text.

Best mass email marketing services

To conclude this detailed article, let’s provide some recommendations for mass email marketing software. Look for software that can streamline and automate your mass email marketing tasks, including features like:

– Email creation
– Email delivery
– Workflow creation
– Personalization
– List management
– Scheduling
– Tracking performance
– Analyzing performance
– A/B testing
– Integrations with CRM software

Having such software in your toolkit is essential for effective mass email marketing.

List of some popular ones:

  • Brevo
  • EmailJinny
  • Mailchimp
  • Mailjet
  • Elastic Email
  • Mailgun

And that’s a wrap for this article! We hope you found it enjoyable and informative, covering the fundamentals of mass email marketing. Now, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge and our tips into action. Whether you’re launching your first mass email marketing campaign or refining existing ones, we wish you the best of luck!

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