Creating Feedback Emails that works

Creating Feedback Emails that works with examples

Asking customers for feedback through emails is a great way to know what they think about your product or service. If you use feedback emails well, you can make your business better and keep customers satisfied!

But just asking for feedback isn’t enough. To get more responses, you need to think about when you ask, what you say, and how giving feedback will help your customers.

Luckily, there are some tips you can follow to send better feedback emails that actually work. Keep reading to learn more and discover how you can automate feedback requests with MailerSend.

What is a Feedback Email?

A customer feedback email is like a special kind of email that asks customers to answer questions in a survey or poll. These questions can be multiple-choice or open-ended. It’s different from review emails that ask people to share their thoughts online. Instead, feedback emails gather opinions and ideas directly. This feedback helps create a loop where customer insights lead to ongoing improvements.

Feedback email examples

  1. Apart from seeking feedback about your products, you can also ask for opinions about experiences with your app, website, delivery process, or customer support. Here’s a concise example from Asos.

2. The below is a great example of how local businesses that use online reservation systems can collect feedback after the customer has visited.


3. Here’s an instance from an online store called ShopRunner, which sends out an NPS survey after each purchase.

survey email for feedback

Benefits of feedback emails

1. Improves your product or service

The main aim of feedback emails is to find out what you’re doing right and what you need to work on. Satisfied customers tend to be loyal, and their support helps your business grow.

2. Measures customer satisfaction

Your business’s expansion also relies on how customers perceive your brand. A common method to gauge customer experience is by calculating your Net Promoter Score (NPS). This involves asking a question and allowing people to rate their response on a scale of 1 to 10.

3. Makes customers feel valued

When you send a customer feedback survey, you’re showing recipients that their opinions matter, which boosts customer relationships and builds brand loyalty. Involving people in decision-making makes them feel more connected to your brand because they feel like they’re part of it!

4. You can use feedback for case studies or stats

Before making a purchase or subscribing, consumers often seek reassurance. You can utilize the feedback you gather to compile statistics on customer satisfaction. You can then showcase these results on your website or in case studies as a way to demonstrate social proof.

5. Brand trust through active follow-up

When you listen to feedback and take action, you demonstrate to your customers that they are your top priority. While it’s tempting for businesses to focus solely on profits, showing genuine concern for delivering the best product or service helps build trust in your brand.

Best practices for creating customer Feedback Emails

1. Write a captivating feedback email subject line

A catchy subject line grabs attention in a crowded inbox, boosting open rates and encouraging more survey responses.

To craft an effective customer feedback subject line, start by making it relevant. Remind recipients of their recent activity or purchase. Including your brand name can jog their memory!

Examples of feedback email subject lines:

1. “Your Thoughts on Carlton Dublin Airport Hotel?”
2. “Make Your Next Ninja Van Experience Amazing!”
3. “Enhance Your Advertising Experience on Facebook!”
4. “Tell Us About Your Recent Visit to IKEA!”
5. “Feedback on Your Previous Transfer with Express Airport Transport”
6. “Love at First Sight? Leave Your Feedback for 100 Points!”
7. “Share Your Thoughts for a Chance to Win!”
8. “How Was Your Order? Let Us Know!”

2. Start with a personalized greeting

When your recipient opens your customer feedback email, maintain the connection by personalizing the greeting using variables. This simple gesture can add a special touch to your email, similar to what The Mom Project does.


3. Describe how it will benefit them

Inform customers about how sharing their feedback will assist you in enhancing their experience, just like Honey Gold does in their email.

honey gold

3. Offer an incentive

Customer feedback is incredibly valuable to your business, akin to gold dust. To prompt more clients or users to respond, consider offering a worthwhile incentive in exchange for their participation. Some examples of incentives include discount codes, gift cards, complimentary gifts, or access to exclusive content.

4. Estimate how long it will take

As recipients read your email, they’re likely wondering, “How much time will this take?”. To encourage participation, ensure your survey is brief and concise—aim for 1-2 minutes or around 3 questions in total.

If you require more questions in your survey, consider adding an incentive to make it more appealing.

5. Send a thank you email

If your customers take the effort to give feedback, it’s important to express gratitude. This makes them feel valued, enhances customer loyalty, and assures them that their input was valuable. You can also invite them to subscribe for news and updates, explore your roadmap, or leave a review for others to learn about their experience.

It’s time to start collecting positive feedback

You’ve discovered how to establish a strong customer feedback system by combining MailerSend with a web automation tool. Now, implement this process to listen to your customers, enhance your products and services consistently, and strive for top-notch results!

What is Welcome Emails with Examples

What is Welcome Emails with Examples

Have you ever heard the phrase “You don’t get another shot at making a first impression?” Well, that’s especially true when it comes to welcome emails.

Welcome emails are like the warm handshake you give to someone new. They’re the first step in building a good relationship with the people who sign up to hear from you. So, it’s important to make them feel welcome and special!

In this article, we’ll talk about some simple tips for making your welcome emails great. We’ll show you why they’re so important and give you some examples and ideas to help you create your own welcome emails.

Let’s get started!

What are Welcome Emails?

A welcome email is the very first email you send to people who just joined your group, bought from you, or started using your service. It’s like your introduction letter, where you tell them a bit about yourself, your business, and what they can look forward to now that they’ve joined. These emails are usually automatic, so once someone signs up, you can start connecting with them right away.

Why welcome emails are essential?

Welcome emails grab people’s attention big time. Typically, they’re opened four times more often and clicked five times more often than regular marketing emails. When someone signs up for your newsletter, they’re eager to get a welcome message right away. Some even check their inbox just for that.

Giving a genuine “thank you” and warm “welcome” helps build trust with your subscriber. This sets the stage for a lasting relationship and boosts customer loyalty.

10 best welcome Email examples and best practices

1. Set expectations for your email campaigns ​

what is welcome email

If your email campaigns fail to fulfill your promise of delivering valuable content, your subscribers might feel deceived and probably unsubscribe right away.

 What’s effective?

– 1000 Email Ideas includes a newsletter archive in their welcome email.
– New customers get a clear idea of what to expect from upcoming newsletters.

 Tip: Think of your welcome email as a first date. It’s your opportunity to build trust. By setting clear expectations from the start, your new subscribers will be more open to future emails. This leads to better engagement and fewer spam complaints.

2. Keep it short and sweet


Nobody likes slogging through a super long message when they’re just getting acquainted with you. A short and friendly hello is much better for making a good impression. Remember the saying, “Keep it short and sweet”? Well, that’s usually the way to go—unless you’re explaining something as complex as quantum mechanics, then you’re in for a challenge!

 What works well?

– Blinkist keeps their welcome email simple and to the point: Hello, here’s what you signed up for, here’s how to manage your subscription.
– The call-to-action (CTA) encourages readers to visit the website where they’re more likely to take action.

Tip: While it’s generally good to keep your welcome email short, around 100 words is ideal. However, if you must go a bit longer, like around 200 words, make sure to break up the text with images and offers to keep it engaging.

3. Introduce your social media channels

welcome emails

What works well?

– CB2 outlines what perks new members can expect from their email newsletters.
– The call-to-action (CTA) encourages new customers to join them on social media.
– Engaging with them online helps establish social proof and, consequently, attracts more customers.

Tip: Instead of immediately pushing for sales, deepen the connection by inviting new subscribers to connect on social media. This allows them to experience another aspect of your brand and gain insight into your values.

Building a community of email subscribers and expanding your email list is a multi-channel effort. The potent combination of email marketing and social proof contributes to forging stronger connections!

4. Sell the experience and not the product

welcome emails

What works well?

– King Arthur Flour invites you to join their community as a fellow baker.
– They emphasize the emotional satisfaction of creating something from scratch rather than just promoting their product.

Tip: Your welcome email doesn’t always have to showcase your product front and center. Sometimes, highlighting the benefits or experience of using your product or service can be more effective. This approach piques the curiosity of new subscribers, encouraging them to connect the dots and give it a try themselves.

5. Make emails interactive

how to send welcome emails

What works well?

– Peloton’s initial email grabs your attention with vibrant photos of their instructors.
– Their fitness attire reflects the high-energy workouts you’re interested in, right?
– They encourage you to take a quiz to discover your ideal coach and kickstart your journey!

Tip: With MailerLite, you can utilize the survey or quiz block to seamlessly integrate interactive surveys or quizzes directly into your newsletter.

6. Add your brand identity

what is welcome emails and how to write welcome emails

What works well?

– Super Mario’s welcome email newsletter stands out immediately with its iconic style.
– The included benefits are sure to delight any Nintendo enthusiast.
– Nintendo’s use of colors, icons, and tone of voice effectively communicates their distinctive brand.

Tip: Your new subscribers are inundated with emails daily. By establishing a unique visual identity in your first email, your subscribers will easily recognize your future emails amidst the clutter.

7. Offer a welcome discount

Offer a welcome discount

Giving a discount to new email subscribers is a smart tactic to encourage them to make their initial purchase. When you include a discount code in your welcome email, you’re expressing gratitude for their interest in your brand and nudging them a bit closer to making a purchase.

What works well?

– Their exclusive offers and discount code make you feel like a valued member of their email list (and encourage you to hit “Buy now” for your next purchase).
– The call-to-action (CTA) placed right after the discount code motivates readers to utilize the discount code promptly.

8. Write inspirational subject lines

Write inspirational subject lines

What works well?

– Memberful’s email grabs your attention with a purposeful and straightforward subject line.
– The email’s friendly tone and language address you directly.
– They demonstrate humility by suggesting alternative solutions for your needs!

Tip: Using emojis sparingly can add a touch of fun and break the monotony of a welcome email.

9. Always be positive (avoid negative phrasing)

Always be positive (avoid negative phrasing)

10. Run A/B tests to perfect your strategy

Run A/B test for welcome mails

A/B testing is akin to being a detective. You need to collect evidence, analyze it, and formulate a hypothesis about what strategies are effective and which ones aren’t. With a bit of luck, you might even crack the code for crafting the ideal welcome email series.

Tip: A/B testing is more of a marathon than a sprint. It’s crucial to focus on testing just one element of your welcome email at a time, such as your subject line or call-to-action (CTA). This approach provides clear insights into how specific changes impact your email metrics directly.

How to write Welcome Email Subject Lines

If welcome emails represent the initial image of your brand, then the subject line of your welcome email is like that brief moment of eye contact just before you extend your hand for a handshake. It’s the first impression that can determine whether you’ll be greeted warmly with a firm handshake and a smile, or with cautious reserve.

You aim to express your personality while also making it evident that the email marks the start of something unique and special.

So, how can you craft a subject line for your email that impresses, much like the examples of remarkable welcome emails?

5 welcome Email Subject line examples

TULA uses an incentive to create interest. Offering a promotion or coupon is one of the most effective ways to improve open rates.

Holland & Barrett follow up their welcome message with an invitation to share personal details. It’s unclear how they will do it, which is why you’ll open the email to see.

KISSmetrics combines its welcome message with a personal touch. This subject line uses both the sender and the recipient’s real name.

Indie Hackers wants to help you. By asking a question in the subject line, the reader will open the email if they want to answer it.

Syed Balkhi
 of OptinMonster takes an inclusive approach with a promise of insider information and advice. He follows the welcome message with a CTA.

Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, kicking off your subscriber journey with a friendly welcome email is the initial stride toward a fantastic customer experience.

Feeling inspired by these welcome email samples? You’re probably eager to begin crafting your own welcome email!

What is Survey Email Best Practices

What is Survey Email? (Best Practices)

Gathering customer data is vital for business growth and progress. Survey emails offer a simple and cost-efficient method to acquire these valuable insights. Follow this guide to seamlessly incorporate effective survey emails into your transactional email workflow.

The initial step in conducting successful market research via email is to utilize a reliable email delivery service. Without proper email delivery, customers won’t receive your surveys, hindering their ability to respond. However, to optimize response rates, it’s essential to understand various survey types and implement best practices for crafting compelling survey emails.

Let’s delve into the types of data you can collect through surveys, identify the most suitable email formats accompanied by survey email examples, and discover methods to enhance the engagement of your survey invitation emails.

What is a Survey Email?

Survey emails serve as a means of gathering customer feedback and data by presenting an interactive survey or questionnaire directly to the recipient’s inbox. Typically, these emails include a survey link leading to a third-party platform or feature an embedded survey that recipients can respond to directly within the email. This approach often allows recipients to answer the initial question within the email itself before continuing the survey in a pop-out window.

Benefits of survey emails: Why they’re great for business

1. They’re cost-effective

Compared to traditional methods like telemarketing, which demand significant time and resources, survey emails offer a cost-effective and straightforward alternative. Surveys can be distributed in bulk or automated to target individual recipients based on specific actions.

With Email Jinny, creating survey emails is both complimentary and included within your monthly quota. There’s no requirement to establish a separate initiative for collecting survey data.

2. They help you improve your offering

To foster the development and expansion of your business, it’s imperative to consistently enhance your product and/or service. While there are various approaches to achieving this, garnering customer feedback reigns as one of the most valuable methods. Through survey emails, you can collect invaluable insights from customers regarding their pain points, barriers to purchase or upgrade, customer experience, user experience, product issues, demographics, and more. This data is akin to gold and serves as a driving force behind your product development efforts.

3. They increase brand trust

Inviting customers to partake in a survey demonstrates your business’s commitment to valuing their opinions and experiences. It signifies your proactive approach towards enhancing your product and service, making customers feel acknowledged and understood. These actions culminate in heightened brand trust and loyalty, fostering stronger customer relationships.

4. They can be personalized

Survey email templates can be effortlessly customized with customer data utilizing personalization variables. This facilitates the seamless execution of surveys tailored to each customer’s unique experience, thereby offering a more personalized and engaging interaction.

Email survey best practices for maximum responses

Distributing your survey to customers is the straightforward aspect (we’ll elaborate on this later in the article, outlining how you can seamlessly integrate survey emails into your transactional email workflow). Yet, it’s crucial to allocate time to craft a strategy and refine your surveys and messaging to maximize the value of your efforts. Let’s delve into some best practices for handling your survey emails.

1. Develop a strategy and define your objectives

Crafting a roadmap and establishing goals for your surveys is essential for deriving tangible value that drives business development. Without this direction, surveys risk becoming mere marketing exercises. The initial step involves determining the survey’s purpose. To do so, consider the following questions:

– Why are we conducting this survey?
– What insights do we aim to glean from this survey?
– What challenges are we seeking to address through this survey?
– Who is the target audience for the survey, and how will this influence its content?
– How does the survey’s purpose align with our marketing, branding, sales, or development objectives?
– What actions will we take based on the data collected from this survey?

2. Target the appropriate audience

Different types of surveys necessitate different target audiences. Although there are instances where you may send a survey to your entire customer base or email list, in many cases, segmenting customers based on various criteria is advisable. Potential segments could include recent purchasers, support contacts, active app or service users, as well as non-converters.

Creating these segments enables you to tailor your survey emails to the specific audience, thereby boosting engagement rates. Additionally, it ensures that you gather the most accurate and valuable data aligned with your objectives. Prioritize quality over quantity by determining what you aim to learn and identifying the audience most conducive to collecting this information.

4. Offer an incentive

The insights your customers can offer are invaluable. Providing an incentive, such as a discount code, freebie, free shipping, or Amazon voucher, serves as a fantastic way to encourage more responses, especially from individuals who might otherwise overlook your survey. This incentive is particularly appreciated for longer surveys.

5. Make survey email copy clear and concise

The objective of the email is to prompt the recipient to click on the survey and complete it swiftly, minimizing the risk of losing interest or becoming distracted.

Ensure your email body contains succinct copy, providing essential details to persuade the recipient to participate. Be direct and include:

– The estimated duration of the survey and/or the number of questions involved
– A brief overview of the survey’s purpose or objective
– Clarification on how their responses will be utilized

Additionally, emphasize the importance of their participation to make recipients feel valued.

6. Finally, share your results

Depending on the survey’s nature, you may opt to close the feedback loop by disseminating the survey results. This not only demonstrates transparency and underscores your dedication to enhancement but also fosters trust with customers and enhances engagement. Furthermore, it can position you as an authoritative figure within your industry.

If you’ve conducted extensive market research, consider crafting a report and distributing it. Alternatively, if the survey was tailored to your product, service, or customer experience, inform your customers how you plan to utilize the results to refine your offerings.

How to start sending survey emails with EmailJinny

Email Jinny simplifies the process of embedding surveys into your transactional emails—eliminating the need for third-party survey tools. To begin, log in to your Email Jinny account or register. Enjoy FREE Forever plan. Once logged in:

1. In the Email Jinny Dashboard, navigate to Sender. 

2. Click Choose file.

3. Choose the Email list file.

4. Write your Email from Scratch.

5. Click on the Send Email Button.

Automated Confirmation Emails with Examples

Automated Confirmation Emails with Examples

Customers cherish confirmation emails because they provide reassurance about recent actions, instilling a sense of certainty. Certainty is a fundamental human need that significantly influences decision-making processes. For instance, if you fail to receive confirmation of a credit card charge, doubts and post-purchase anxiety may arise, as uncertainty is associated with discomfort.

Conversely, certainty is perceived as rewarding by the brain. Confidence in the future evokes positive feelings, prompting a desire for more. By providing certainty through confirmation emails, customers are put at ease, fostering longer-lasting relationships.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of confirmation emails, delve into various types (accompanied by numerous examples), and highlight essential elements they should contain.

What is a confirmation email?

An automated confirmation email serves as a transactional email, activated by the recipient, to verify a recent action. Given their versatility, confirmation emails span a wide array of activities, ranging from purchase confirmations to welcome messages.

Have you ever made a purchase or signed up for a subscription, only to find an email waiting in your inbox immediately afterward? This is because users and customers anticipate receiving automated confirmation emails promptly upon completing an action. Such emails play a crucial role in building trust, reassuring recipients about their recent interactions with your business, and establishing a positive first impression.

Why are confirmation emails important

Similar to other transactional emails, confirmation emails significantly influence the customer experience. Each confirmation email presents an opportunity to cultivate trust with your brand, potentially leading to customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and referrals over time.

However, failing to send confirmation emails or sending poorly-designed ones that fail to meet expectations can inadvertently create stress for recipients, thereby tarnishing their perception of your brand.

1. Fulfills the need for certainty

The primary goal of a confirmation message is to provide customers with peace of mind by acknowledging their recent action. Confirmation emails serve to dispel uncertainty and address questions such as “Has my order been received?”

2. Starts new customer relationships

Similar to all transactional emails, confirmation emails boast high open rates and click-through rates due to recipients’ anticipation. Begin the customer relationship on a positive note by prominently featuring your logo and brand colors.

3. Moves customers along the journey

Confirmation emails extend beyond singular instances like password reset emails. Employing an automation workflow enables the dispatch of a sequence of automated emails throughout the customer journey, as seen with AliExpress. Each email serves as a valuable touchpoint from which insights can be gleaned:

– Payment confirmation email
– Shipping confirmation email
– Delivery confirmation email

Elements of a confirmation email

Given the diverse nature of transactional activities, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all template for confirmation emails. However, an ideal confirmation email should include the following elements:

– A recognizable “From” name and clear subject line.
– Incorporation of the business logo and on-brand email design.
– Personalized content: Address customers by their first name.
– Relevant information: Order details such as the order number and summary, or shipping details like the method and address.
– Clarification of the next step: Alleviate uncertainty by outlining the forthcoming actions.
– A single call-to-action (CTA).
– Support contact details, including a phone number if available.
– An additional touch: Consider including recommendations, rewards, or referral programs.

Types of confirmation emails

Anything that warrants confirmation can be transformed into a confirmation email! While this list is not exhaustive, here are 8 common types of confirmation emails, accompanied by real examples. Your potential is boundless; let your imagination and creativity guide you.


1. Order confirmation email

The purchase confirmation email maintains a positive and personalized tone by welcoming you at the outset and expressing gratitude at the conclusion. With the aid of the graphic, you can easily track your progress in the journey, leaving you assured about the status of your order.

2. Shipping confirmation email

The core objective of a shipping confirmation email is to notify the customer that their purchase is en route, offering reassurance that the order has been processed and is now in transit.

Amazon’s adherence to the “less is more” approach ensures that essential details about your upcoming delivery are clear: the date, expected time, and payment amount. Their email prioritizes a prominent CTA button to view order details and tracking information.

3. Delivery confirmation email

As the final step in Beauty Bay’s e-commerce experience, this delivery confirmation email informs customers about the delivery time and location of their order. Additionally, it includes links for tracking, order details, and a help page, ensuring assistance is available if any aspect of the delivery process encounters an issue.

Registration confirmation emails

1. subscription confirmation email

Google, a tried-and-trusted brand, adheres to a minimalist design for their subscription confirmation email. It provides all pertinent information for subscribers: the subscribed product, subscription duration, cost, and where to seek assistance.

2. Service sign-up confirmation email

When you sign up for Just Eat’s food delivery service, you receive a delightful confirmation email adorned with charming character images, warm colloquial language, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) prompting you to kick off your first order without delay.

3. Cancellation confirmation email

When customers opt to cancel a service or order, they seek reassurance that their action has been acknowledged, ensuring they won’t incur further charges or will receive a refund. YouTube’s cancellation confirmation email adeptly provides this reassurance, while also enticing users to reconsider with a reminder of the benefits they’ll forfeit and a clear call-to-action (CTA) encouraging them to reconsider their decision.

Confirmation email examples with best practices

1. Write in the way you speak

Maintain a human touch by steering clear of impersonal language such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or using verbose phrases like “about your order below.”  Envision the recipient sitting before you, and then communicate as if you were speaking directly to them, much like this email from Foodpanda.

2. Acknowledge the customer’s action

Another expectation recipients have is a follow-up to their action. Clearly communicate what has just occurred with confidence, akin to Lazada’s affirming email below. Such clarity provides recipients with reassurance and contributes to a positive customer experience.

3. Showcase your brand personality

Confirmation emails need not be dull! They can exude the same vibrancy as their colorful email marketing counterparts when infused with personality and on-brand design elements. Witness this contest entry confirmation email, exuding an aura of luxury!

4. Choose a trusted email service provider

After crafting a delightful confirmation email, ensure it lands directly in the inbox! Opt for an email service provider equipped with comprehensive tools for creating confirmation email templates and a proven track record for achieving high deliverability rates.

Here’s how Email Jinny can help you work faster and smarter:

Free plan send bulk email free forever

Utilize powerful sending infrastructure managed for maximum email deliverability.

Track and monitor your emails to identify what works best and where optimizations are needed.

Easily integrate email sending into your technology stack with a flexible email API or SMTP relay.

Implement inbound routing to seamlessly integrate incoming emails into your app.

What is Transactional Emails Explained

What is Transactional Emails Explained

What exactly are transactional emails? If you’re engaging with any online business or service, chances are your inbox is inundated with them. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into why transactional emails play a vital role in the customer experience, explore the various types available, and provide insights on initiating their deployment.

Transactional emails serve as the unsung heroes of customer communication. While they may not grab attention like flashy marketing campaigns, they function as an integral component in shaping the customer journey.

This straightforward guide has been crafted to offer clarity on transactional emails, helping you determine if they align with your business needs. We’ll cover the essentials of what, why, and how regarding transactional emails, along with illustrating common examples of their diverse types.

What is a transactional email?

A transactional email refers to an automated message dispatched to an individual in response to a particular action or event carried out within a system or application. Such emails are tailored to contain personalized details pertinent to the triggering action. Common examples of transactional emails encompass invoice notifications, password resets, and shipping updates.

These communications usually feature HTML email templates infused with dynamic content and are distributed through automated workflows. Often, recipients anticipate receiving these emails as part of their interaction with the system or application.

Why are transactional emails important for businesses?

The human desire for certainty, amplified by the immediacy fostered by the internet, compels us to seek instant gratification. Consequently, when completing transactions online, the absence of immediate confirmation can leave us feeling uncertain and anxious.

Timely delivery of crucial information has become an integral aspect of the customer experience in online transactions. It not only fosters trust and enhances customer loyalty but also serves other significant purposes. Transactional emails can:

– Heighten customer engagement
– Convey time-sensitive information or prompt required actions
– Strengthen brand identity through consistent messaging
– Offer opportunities for revenue generation via cross-selling or upselling
– Ensure regulatory compliance by furnishing critical information where necessary

Transactional email vs. marketing email differences

While both transactional emails and email marketing campaigns contribute to brand building, customer relationship strengthening, and facilitating a seamless customer experience, their fundamental objectives diverge. Consequently, the guidelines and best practices for sending them also differ.

Why email deliverability is crucial for transactional emails

Transactional email messages play a pivotal role in shaping the customer experience. Prompt delivery is paramount, especially when customers anticipate specific information or await the next course of action. Therefore, instantaneous email delivery is essential to uphold your brand’s image.

To achieve this, utilizing an advanced sending infrastructure designed to efficiently handle high email volumes is crucial. This guarantees swift delivery of your messages to recipients’ inboxes. Hence, selecting a transactional email service provider renowned for its exceptional email deliverability is of utmost importance.

Types of Transactional Emails

Given that transactional emails are initiated by diverse user interactions within a system or application, the range of types available is extensive. Below, we’ve outlined some of the primary ones. Additionally, you can refer to this article for further examples of transactional emails.

Confirmation and invoice emails

How it works: Confirmation emails are activated following a successful purchase, registration, or RSVP. This trigger can stem from actions like clicking a sign-up or order button on a website, or when the user’s email address is verified, signifying the completion of the sign-up process.


  • Order confirmations

  • Invoice receipt emails

  • Shipping confirmations

  • Tracking code emails

  • Event RSVPs

These automated email confirmations should include pertinent information for the purchaser, such as:

– Product details
– Calls to action to track the purchase, view the order in the browser, rate the order, etc.
– Payment and pricing specifics
– Shipping information
– Optional: Instructions or follow-up steps
– Optional: Additional product recommendations

Specific request emails

How it works: These time-critical emails are activated by a user-initiated request or a two-step action that must be finalized through the email itself. The email content provides the requested information, such as a link for password reset requests.


  • Password reset emails

  • Two-factor authentication emails

  • Any emails about retrieving lost account information

Account-based notification emails

How it works: These emails are dispatched whenever an event occurs in the user’s account, such as an overdue invoice or a subscription change. Notifications are automatically generated based on the rules you establish, eliminating the need for manual monitoring of user accounts.


  • Account creation emails

  • Account verification emails

  • Overdue invoices

  • Failed payment emails

  • Trial expiration emails

  • Password changes

  • Plan upgrades or changes

  • Login verification notifications

Transactional email best practices

Unlike email marketing campaigns, transactional emails are not tailored to specific objectives or promotions. Instead, they consist of templates filled with recipient-specific information based on their actions. While this approach saves you from continually crafting new emails, it doesn’t imply neglecting your transactional email templates.

Providing an exceptional transactional email experience fosters trust and enhances customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more inclined to engage with your brand repeatedly and recommend it to others. Here are some best practices to consider when crafting your transactional emails.

How to start sending transactional emails

For a secure, seamlessly integrated, and highly deliverable email delivery solution, it’s crucial to opt for an email service provider specialized in transactional emails. (In case you’re unaware, maintaining a distinction between transactional and promotional emails is vital, as explained in our article.)

MailerSend is a prime example of such a solution. Simply sign up and verify your domain. You have the option to send emails via API, which is preferred by developers and offers advanced features like transactional email templates, bulk sending, webhooks, and inbound routing. Alternatively, you can achieve similarly high rates of deliverability with a simpler setup using SMTP.

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day?

Were you aware that a staggering 91.5% of cold email outreach goes unanswered? However, this doesn’t imply that sending cold emails will automatically land you in the spam folder. Quite the opposite, actually. It suggests that the majority of people mishandle cold email campaigns, whether it’s the content or the volume of emails sent.

Today, we aim to address one of the pivotal questions in email marketing: How many cold emails should you send per day? Let’s delve into it.

How many cold emails to send per day?

The ideal number of daily cold emails largely hinges on your prior experiences with cold emailing. For beginners, sending between 10 to 20 emails per day is advisable.

As you progress and incorporate automation into your cold email strategies, you can gradually escalate the volume of emails sent each day.

Your capacity to craft emails for a cold outreach campaign isn’t inherently restricted. Rather, limitations arise from factors like your email service provider and sender reputation. Allow us to elaborate.

Warming up an email address

Just as you wouldn’t floor the gas pedal and speed to 100 miles per hour immediately after starting your car, you should approach email inboxes with a gradual warming process to avoid damaging your email reputation. If you flood the system with 100 emails on your first day, email service providers may flag you for spam.

Email warmup involves slowly introducing emails over time to establish trust with email providers. This can be done manually or through an email warmup service, which sends a variety of emails to different addresses daily, jumpstarting your cold emailing campaigns.

While an email warming service may entail some expense, the investment is worthwhile as it ensures your email account is ready for use sooner rather than later.

Understanding the daily sending limit with different providers

The number of emails you can send per day is typically determined by your email service provider, regardless of whether you’re reaching out to previous contacts or conducting cold email campaigns.

A crucial tip for a successful cold email campaign is to avoid relying on free email providers. For instance, a free Gmail account allows you to send up to 500 emails per day, whereas a paid account increases the limit to 2,000 emails.

Here are the daily sending limits for some other email service providers:

Yahoo!: 500 emails
– Office 365: 10,000 emails
– Outlook account: 300 emails
– Mailgun: 300 emails
– ProtonMail: 150 (free) and 10,000 (paid)

So, when determining how many cold emails to send per day, consider the limitations of your email service provider. If you’re initiating new cold email campaigns, select providers based on the daily volume you require.

While occasionally exceeding daily sending limits may not result in immediate consequences, it’s best to avoid doing so frequently. For example, Google Workspace will halt email sending if you surpass its daily limit, while other providers may delay delivery until the limit is reset. However, it’s advisable to refrain from consistently exceeding these limits to prevent potential issues.

Your sender reputation makes a major impact on your cold email campaigns

Your sender reputation functions akin to a credit score assigned by email service providers, reflecting your credibility as a sender. A favorable sender reputation increases the likelihood of your cold emails, as well as other types of emails, reaching recipients’ inboxes.

Several factors influence your sender reputation:

– The frequency of bounced emails
– The incidence of spam complaints received from your emails
– Avoiding hitting spam traps during cold email outreach
– Email engagement metrics, such as open and response rates for your cold email marketing campaigns
– The level of email segmentation and personalization, distinguishing between bulk emails and personalized cold emails
– The volume of cold emails dispatched within a specific timeframe

Maintaining a positive sender reputation requires vigilance across these factors. Given that many cold email campaigns involve mass-sending identical messages to recipients, it’s unsurprising that they often fail to uphold a favorable sender reputation.

How to get a better sender reputation

The factors that influence sender reputation are well-known, which makes it easy to watch out for dangers and stay out of spam folders. With a sold email sender reputation, you’ll have an easier time with your cold email efforts.

Here are some practical tips of keeping your sender reputation spotless:

  • Use email validation services and clean your email lists before sending out your next cold email campaign
  • Give your recipients an easy way to unsubscribe and include a link for it in your cold emails
  • Segment and personalize your cold emails
  • Use authentication protocols before sending out any cold emails

A good reputation won’t just affect how many cold emails you can send. It will affect the success of all of your email marketing campaigns, so it’s worth keeping an eye on it.

What to do if you have a brand new email account

If you’re utilizing a new email address or managing multiple email accounts for sending purposes, it’s crucial to proceed with caution to ensure success. Hastiness can result in triggering spam filters across various mail servers, ultimately causing more harm than benefit.

Begin by gently warming up your email account, gradually increasing the volume of emails sent each day. Alternatively, you can opt for an email warmup service to expedite the process.

When you’ve obtained an email list from a trustworthy scraper or email tool, refrain from simply launching a cold email campaign. It’s imperative to meticulously vet the email list to eliminate invalid addresses, outdated entries, typos, spam traps, and other potential issues.

Take heed of your daily sending limit and exercise restraint, especially in the early stages. If you’re unsure about the permissible number of cold emails you can send per day, conduct thorough research to avoid exceeding limits.

Finally, prioritize personalization in your cold emails tailored to individual recipients. Evade the spam folder by customizing your emails according to distinct audience segments rather than employing a one-size-fits-all approach for everyone on your list.

How Email Jinny helps with your cold email marketing efforts

Getting your message to your desired audience without setting off spam filters and without breaching your email service provider’s (ESP) daily sending limits can pose a challenge. At Email Jinny, we’ve developed a cold email platform designed to enhance your open and click-through rates. Here’s how our cold email tool can assist you.

Automated email verification

Prior to dispatching your cold emails, EmailJinny meticulously verifies each one. By eliminating invalid and outdated email accounts, your sender score remains unscathed. This process not only enhances response rates but also fosters a favorable sender reputation effortlessly.

Easy integration

Email Jinny seamlessly integrates with your chosen email provider to send emails directly from your account. Whether you manage one or multiple email addresses, Email Jinny automates your campaigns, allowing you to engage promptly when recipients respond. Let Email Jinny handle the heavy lifting while you focus on other tasks.

Tracking cold emailing performance in a detailed dashboard

Sending emails from a Gmail account can leave you guessing about their fate. With Email Jinny, you can track various metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, responses, and more. Our user-friendly dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your campaign’s success, allowing you to stay informed effortlessly.

Wrapping up

Many individuals struggle to effectively manage a large volume of cold emails. However, achieving excellent results from cold emails and steering clear of the spam folder is entirely possible if you adhere to the appropriate daily sending quotas. By prioritizing factors like sender reputation, email warmup, and targeted audience segmentation, you can significantly enhance your outcomes.

At Email Jinny, we’re here to assist you. Our cold email tool enables effortless outreach to numerous contacts while safeguarding your email deliverability and adhering to your ESP’s sending limits. With Email Jiiny, you can maintain a favorable sender reputation and keep your recipients engaged.

Start your journey today with our FREE Plan!

How to Build Quality Lead List for Cold Email

How to Build Quality Lead List for Cold Email

Finding the right people to email is really important if you want to use cold emailing to get new customers. It might take a while to make a list of good potential customers. But if you know where to look from the start, you can do really well.

If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to try out different websites and tools that help you find potential customers. There are lots of options, so it’s best to test them out and see which one works best for you.

These tools help you find the best places to look for customers and organize them based on who you want to reach. Plus, you’ll learn how to keep your email list up to date and follow the best ways to email people. You’ll also figure out how to find and check if the email addresses you have are correct.

By doing all of this, you can find new customers and make more sales for your business.

Research and develop a process

To start finding potential customers, you need to create a plan and a structure. After that, make sure you stick to certain steps to always find good potential customers by following your plan.

Create your ideal customer profile (those you want to reach)

Understand your ideal audience: Before diving into finding potential customers, determine who your ideal customers are. Make sure you aim for the right people by pinpointing their job titles, industries, and company sizes.

Research your target audience, figuring out who would be most interested in what you offer. You can narrow down your focus based on various factors:

– Job titles of decision-makers
– Monthly or annual revenue
– Technology and software they use
– Budgets for sales and purchases
– Size of their workforce
– Industry, location, and country

Organize your list into tiers and segments: Trying to reach everyone with the same message won’t work. People have different priorities depending on their budget, urgency, and interest level. So, it’s smart to categorize your audience. The more specific your categories, the better you can tailor your message, leading to more engagement and positive responses.

Craft compelling offers and case studies: To back up what you’re offering, it’s great to have case studies showing how similar clients in the same industry benefited from your services.

Organize your leads

The main goal of creating a successful list of potential customers is to set up a careful system, so you don’t have to start from scratch every day or week when looking for leads. It’s also handy to organize your lists neatly for future use, especially if you plan on re-targeting those leads.

Here are the steps:

1. Set aside 20-30 minutes each day to organize your lists of potential customers.
2. Create different folders in Google Drive or use free CRM tools like Bitrix24 for various niches.
3. Inside each niche folder, make subfolders named “New Leads,” “Verified Leads,” and “Uploaded Leads.”
4. To find new leads, have a template ready in your database with all the necessary filters applied. Export fresh data using this template and save it in the “New Leads” folder under the relevant niche.
5. Verify the exported lists and upload the cleaned-up version into the “Verified Leads” folder.
6. Store all the uploaded lists in Saleshandy under the “Uploaded Leads” category.

For example, you can name a list “IT Service – CTO’s – 11/50 – US,” indicating that it includes leads in the IT industry, with the job title of CTO, from companies with 11 to 50 employees.

As a bonus tip, you can automate the process of adding leads to Saleshandy using tools like Pabbly, Zapier, etc. You can watch a demo of automating this process in Saleshandy.

Finding leads from databases & other souces

After establishing your buyer persona and organizing the procurement process, the next step is selecting the most suitable tools or databases to gather leads and gauge their responses. However, it’s essential to invest effort into finding the right database for your needs. You’ll need to explore various platforms to identify the most effective tool tailored to your specific niche and offerings.

Saleshandy Lead Finder

The Saleshandy Lead Finder stands out as a dependable B2B Lead Database, boasting more than 750 million contacts sourced from over 35 million companies worldwide. With this tool, you can easily search based on industry, company size, location, job title, and other filters to pinpoint contacts that align with your requirements.

Email Finders & Scrapers

If you’re seeking a cost-effective method to uncover email addresses for your leads, utilizing email finders is an excellent choice. These tools enable you to retrieve email addresses from various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Compared to investing in a lead generation tool subscription, using an email finder is generally more budget-friendly.

The process of using an email finder is straightforward: you input the name or company of the individual or organization you’re targeting, and the tool scours online sources to retrieve their email addresses. Email finders often employ data mining and web crawling techniques to extract emails from web pages.

Before selecting an email finder, it’s wise to conduct research and read reviews to ensure the tool’s credibility.

Once you’ve obtained email addresses, the next crucial step is to verify their validity using tools like Bulkemailchecker or MillionVerifier. This verification process helps ensure that the email addresses you’ve found are legitimate.

Outsourcing your lead sourcing

Once you’ve become proficient at creating lists, you have the option to delegate this task to freelancers or agencies available on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.

Another viable alternative is to explore websites such as ListKit, where you can buy specialized lead lists tailored to your preferences.

By outsourcing your list-building to these platforms, you free up time to concentrate on more critical tasks such as copywriting and campaign management.

To begin, simply click the “Order Your ListKit” button on the ListKit website. This will take you to their plans page, where you can select the option that best suits your requirements.

Verify your leads

It doesn’t end here. Subscribing or outsourcing your list building doesn’t ensure the quality of your list. 

You may end up only with 30-40% of verified leads. Therefore, it is vital to use email verifier tools to know what email addresses exist is very important.


UseBouncer is a widely-used tool for verifying your leads in large quantities. While its subscription may be somewhat expensive, it’s known to deliver reliable results. You can register for UseBouncer and receive 100 email credits for free.


Bulkemailchecker offers a more budget-friendly option compared to UseBouncer for verifying your leads in bulk. It helps ensure the validity of your leads at a lower cost than other verifiers.

To get started, you’ll first need to register or log in to Bulkemailchecker. Then, you can purchase a validation package. For instance, if you need to verify 1000 contacts, it will cost you approximately $2.95.

Good database benchmarks

A database or lead provider that yields 50% more leads than verified ones is considered valuable.
Once you achieve good deliverability, indicating high-quality leads from your database, it’s essential to assess its response rates.
If bounce rates surpass 3%, consider switching lead databases to uphold your domain reputation.
Upon receiving responses from a database, escalate scraping efforts twofold.
For effective list-building, explore multiple lead sources and databases.

How to use EMAILJINNY to send mass mail?

How to Use EmaiJinny to Send Mass Email

are you ready to improve your email marketing? In this article, we’ll show you how to use EmailJinny to send lots of emails at once.

Whether you’re experienced in marketing or just starting out, EmailJinny’s easy-to-use platform and strong tools make reaching your audience simple. Let’s jump into the world of email campaigns with EmailJinny!

What is Email Jinny?

Email Jinny is a Newly launched free Email marketing platform that helps both small and big businesses connect with customers easily. It makes creating personalized emails effortless.

Plus, Email Jinny is a Free Mass Mailing platform for the email marketing world. It’s not just helpful, but it’s also a key part for the overall marketing plan.

Businesses can find everything they need in Email Jinny to make great, personal emails. This helps them connect with customers better and encourages them to do important things.

Why Use Email Jinny?

Email Jinny’s Free account is perfect for new businesses or those just starting with email marketing.

With this plan, you get a booming Unlimited subscribers limit, in Email Jinny there is no limit for subscribers, and you can send emails every month according to your server limit for free! ( In the case of Gmail the daily limit is 500 emails for a standard account) It’s easy to set up.

In the Email Jinny’s Free Plan, every email you send is sent with our brand name and Email Jinny’s Logo in the footer of the mail.

If you want to send bulk email without Email Jinny’s name and logo then you can upgrade. But for most users, the free account works just fine.

Plus, Email Jinny is easy to use and has lots of great features to make your email marketing simple.

Learning how to use Email Jinny’s features lets you send mass emails confidently. Paying attention to spam filters and following best practices ensures your emails reach your audience without any problems. 

Don’t forget to preview and test your campaigns to see how they look in your recipients’ inboxes. This makes sure your emails look professional and smooth.

Also Read – How to send Bulk Email in Gmail?

Benefits of using Email Jinny Bulk Mail Tool

No Daily Limit

Experience the freedom of unlimited daily sending with Email Jinny’s no-limits feature. Now anyone can send emails as they want to send.

No Subscribers Anymore

Say goodbye to subscriber limitations with Email Jinny, hassle-free. 

Cloud Based Secure Panel

Enjoy a 100% delivery rate with Email Jinny’s secure cloud panel for emails. Send tons of mail daily and our tool delivers all of your email directly to your receiver’s inbox with a 100% accuracy.

Send Personalized Email

Personalized messages that resonate with the audience’s interests and needs.

Track Email Event

Track email events like opens, bounces, and clicks in real-time to gain valuable insights.

100% Free Lifetime

We Don’t Charge a single rupee for our free plan lifetime.

How to Use Email Jinny for Sending Mass Emails

Email Jinny is an Email Delivery Platform a tool that helps businesses and individuals send bulk cold emails. It lets you test, send, and manage emails in one convenient place.

Email Jinny scales your outreach campaigns with free unlimited email sending without worrying about Email subscribers anymore.

Email Jinny is the one-stop solution for every industry like agencies, digital marketers, and freelancers. Any business or individual wanting to send bulk or cold emails can Email Jinny FREE of cost forever without entering your credit card details and it doesn’t require any subscriber limitations.

Step 1: go to EmailJinny's website

Email Jinny Home Page Website

You can send thousands of bulk emails using our bulk email sending tool for that just go to our website by clicking on the link given below.

Step 2: sign up & create your account for free

sign up on email jinny

on the home page of Email Jinny, you can click on the “Get Started” button in the top right corner or you can click on the “Start For Free” button that is placed in the center of the home page.

And here just below the “Start For Free” button, you can see two interesting things that are Free Forever and No Credit Card Required, yes that is absolutely true.

Step 3: Enter your details & sign up

log in and sign up in email jinny

If you already have an account then enter your Email Address and Password and if you are not a member of Email Jinny then click on the Signup button, enter your Email Address set your password, and create an account for sending FREE Bulk Emails every day.

When you sign up you can see a successful signup message now go to the log-in section and log into your account using your details.

Step 4: Fill all the Config details

email jinny config details

When you log in you directly redirected to the Config page of Email Jinny where you have to enter all the Config details like : Host, Port, Email, and Password etc. and click on update button.

Step 5 : Now it's time to send FREE bulk Emails

bulk email sender email jinny

and it’s time for the magic just feel all the recepents emails manually one by one or add an Excel file of all the emails, then write your perfect subject line and your message. that’s the whole simple and free process hit the send email button and relax.

Email Jinny plans

Email Jinny provides you with three plans you can choose any of these according to your needs and budget. All three plans are created in a way that any one can use the comfort of sending tons of mail in a single click. so let’s understand all the plans in detail.


Yes Yes! you read it right Email Jinny provides you with a free plan, and now you thing like all the other bulk emailing platforms this is a limited-time free plan but you are wrong its a FREE forever plan. you can send as many emails as you want for absolutely FREE.


In Email Jinny’s FREE Plan, you can send unlimited bulk emails for free with the email jinny logo but if want to send customized bulk mails according to you then you can go for the JINNY plan In this plan the first 100 emails are sent without log per day and afterward all the emails are sent with the logo of email Jinny.

jinnny plan for bulk email email jinny


Now let’s talk about the JINNY UNLIMITED plan in this you can send bulk emails without the logo of the email jinny unlimited for 28 days and at a very pocket-friendly price.

jinny unlimited plan for bulk emails

Click on the button below and start your bulk email-sending journey with Email Jinny right now.


In the realm of email marketing, Email Jinny serves as a reliable companion, simplifying the process of sending mass emails while offering valuable tools and analytics to propel your success.

By harnessing the capabilities of Email Jinny, you can unleash the full potential of your email campaigns, make meaningful connections with your audience, and accomplish your marketing goals.

As you track campaign performance using the Email Jinny tool, you gain invaluable insights into the effectiveness of your email marketing endeavors. These analytics empower you to make informed decisions, refine your content, and optimize your strategies for improved engagement and conversion rates.

With active campaigns, you maintain ongoing communication with your audience and bolster brand loyalty.

So, seize the opportunities, delve into the realm of mass email, and let Email Jinny steer you towards email marketing triumph!

Other related article –

What is the best way to send bulk Email?

Best Bulk Email Service Providers in India

How to Send Bulk Mail Using Gmail?


What is Email Jinny, and how can it benefit my email marketing efforts?

Email Jinny is a brand new free email marketing platform designed to revolutionize your email campaigns. It provides powerful features tailored to simplify your marketing efforts. With its simple interfaces and customizable email options,  Email Jinny equips you to optimize your strategies and achieve your goals without breaking the bank.

How do I get started with Email Jinny?

Getting started with Email Jinny is easy! Simply create an account, select a plan, set up your subscriber list, design your email templates, and start sending campaigns. The platform offers tutorials and customer support to guide you through the process.

Can I use Email Jinny for free?

Yes, Email Jinny offers a FREE plan that allows you to send Unlimited emails at no cost. This plan is ideal for small businesses or those new to email marketing.

How can I ensure my emails reach my subscribers' inboxes with Email Jinny?

Email Jinny helps you optimize your email deliverability by providing best practices for avoiding spam filters and maintaining sender reputation. By following these guidelines and regularly monitoring your email performance, you can improve deliverability and ensure your emails reach their intended recipients.

What support options are available for Email Jinny users?

Email Jinny offers various support options, including help documentation, tutorials, and customer support via email or chat. Whether you have questions about getting started or need assistance with advanced features, the Email Jinny team is available to help you succeed.

How to Send an Email to Multiple Recipients Individually in Gmail

How to Send an Email to Multiple Recipients Individually in Gmail

In online sales and marketing, it’s often tricky to send an email to many people while still making it feel personal.

Sending separate emails to each person would take too much time and effort.

But luckily, there’s a smart solution that lets you send personalized emails to lots of people at once without any privacy worries. Whether you’re new to business or trying to boost sales, learning how to use this solution can really improve your email strategy.

In this blog post, we’ll explain how to do it step by step, so you can become an expert at sending personalized mass emails.

Plus, we’ll talk about an important tool called Mailtrack and how it can make your email campaigns better and easier.

So, let’s get started and uncover the secrets to making your email campaign successful and impactful!

Why do I need to hide recipients in a mass email?

There are many reasons why people want to send emails to multiple recipients without them knowing who else is getting the email. This is a common need for:

– Salespeople: To reach out to clients and potential customers.
– Marketers: For running email marketing campaigns.
– Recruiters: To update people on job openings or application statuses.
– Organizations: For sending information to members, especially when anonymity and privacy are important.

The big advantage of doing this is creating the feeling of receiving an individual email. When you send a mass email where everyone can see the long list of recipients, it can feel spammy and generic.

It’s impersonal and makes people feel like they’re just one of many. But when you send an email directly to each person, it feels much more personal and direct.

As a result, people are more likely to engage with the email, and there’s a lower chance of it ending up in the spam folder.

How to send an email to multiple recipients individually

It’s quite common to need to send an email to a bunch of contacts without them knowing who else is getting it. Luckily, there are ways to do this.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to send an email to multiple recipients individually using the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) method in Gmail.

How to use the BCC method in Gmail to send to multiple recipients individually

The BCC method in Gmail is the easiest way to send emails to multiple recipients individually. Here’s how it works: You send the email to one person, often yourself, and add all the other recipients as BCC.

Contacts added in the BCC field get a copy of the email, but it’s not visible to the main recipient or any other BCC contacts (that’s why it’s called “blind”).

Note: Don’t confuse this with the CC (Carbon Copy) option. Contacts in the CC field are visible to everyone, including other CC recipients.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on using the BCC method in Gmail:

gmail cc bcc
Source - MailTrack

1. Sign in to your Gmail account
Access Gmail through your web browser, phone app, or any other device, and begin composing your email.

2. Utilize the BCC field
Click on the “BCC” option next to the “CC” field. This will open a new space for adding BCC recipients.

3. Include your email address
Even when sending to multiple recipients using the BCC field, an email must have at least one recipient.

So, in the “To” field, enter your email address. This ensures your email avoids spam filters and increases its chances of successful delivery.

4. Add recipient email addresses
In the BCC field, enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to send the email to individually. Separate each address with a comma.

5. Review and send
Check your email content, subject line, and the list of BCC recipients carefully. Once satisfied, click the “Send” button to dispatch your personalized email to each recipient individually.

What are the potential problems of using BCC in Gmail for multiple recipients?

While the BCC method for sending mass emails is simple, it has some downsides you should know about:

1. Recipients noticing BCC status:
Recipients may notice they’ve been added as BCC recipients, which could raise concerns. Even though they can’t see other recipients, being in the BCC field instead of the direct recipient field may seem impersonal or even like spam. This might lead to your email being marked as spam by Gmail.

2. Lack of email tracking:
Using the BCC method means you won’t get important email tracking data like open rates, click-through rates, and recipient engagement. Without this data, it’s hard to know how effective your email campaign is and make improvements.

3. Gmail sending limitations:
BCC emails are subject to Gmail’s sending limits, which are typically around 500 emails per day for free Gmail accounts (slightly higher for Google Workspace users). This might be okay for small numbers of recipients, but it’s not enough for larger email volumes.

Note: If someone replies to a BCC email using “Reply All,” only you and the recipients in the “To” field will get the reply. The other BCC recipients won’t see it since their contact info isn’t visible.

In this case, using email campaign software would be a better option.

4. Limited personalization:
BCC emails lack advanced personalization features that dedicated email marketing tools offer, like adding a recipient’s first name. Personalizing content based on recipient data and behavior is important for engaging email campaigns, and BCC doesn’t offer these capabilities.

How To Write Perfect Cold Email For Job and Interview

How To Write Perfect Cold Email For Job and Interview

Write Cold Email For Job and Interview

Cold emailing has become a powerful tool in the arsenal of job seekers worldwide. In a job market inundated with applicants, standing out from the crowd is essential, and a well-crafted cold email can make all the difference. But what exactly makes a cold email effective, and how can you ensure yours gets noticed?

 In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting compelling cold emails for job applications, providing you with the strategies and techniques needed to unlock success in your job search.

Cold emailing is more than just sending a generic message to a hiring manager or recruiter; it’s about strategically positioning yourself as the ideal candidate for the job. A successful cold email requires careful research, personalization, and a clear value proposition. 

It’s an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the role while also demonstrating your professionalism and attention to detail. With the right approach, a cold email can open doors and lead to valuable career opportunities.

Understanding the Power of Cold Emails in Job Hunting

In today’s competitive job market, traditional methods of job hunting are no longer sufficient. While job boards and online applications have their place, they often result in your resume getting lost in a sea of applicants. Cold emailing, on the other hand, allows you to bypass the competition and directly connect with hiring managers and decision-makers. By reaching out proactively, you demonstrate initiative, enthusiasm, and a genuine interest in the company and role.

The Benefits of Cold Emailing for Job Applications

Power Of Cold Emailing In Job Hunting

1. Direct Access

Cold emailing provides direct access to key decision-makers within organizations, increasing your chances of getting noticed.

2. Opportunity for Personalization

Unlike traditional job applications, cold emails can be personalized to the specific recipient, making them more impactful and memorable.

3. Demonstrates Initiative

Sending a cold email demonstrates initiative and proactivity, qualities that are highly valued by employers.

4. Opens Doors

A well-crafted cold email can open doors to hidden job opportunities that may not be advertised publicly.

5. Builds Relationships

Cold emailing is an opportunity to start building relationships with potential employers, which can be beneficial in the long run, even if immediate job opportunities don’t materialize.

The Foundation of a Successful Cold Email Strategy

Before you hit send on your cold email, it’s crucial to lay the groundwork with thorough research. Researching the company and the individual you’re reaching out to not only demonstrates your interest and commitment but also allows you to tailor your email for maximum impact.

Key Aspects of Research for Cold Emailing

  1. Company Culture and Values: Gain insights into the company’s culture, values, and mission statement to ensure alignment with your values and goals.
  2. Recent News and Developments: Stay updated on recent news, events, and developments within the company, as these can provide valuable conversation starters and talking points.
  3. LinkedIn Profiles: Take the time to review the LinkedIn profiles of key decision-makers within the company to understand their background, interests, and professional achievements.
  4. Common Connections: Identify any mutual connections or shared experiences you may have with the recipient, as these can help establish rapport and credibility.

Crafting Your Cold Email: Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting a compelling cold email requires careful thought and consideration. It’s not enough to simply list your qualifications and experience; you need to communicate your value proposition effectively and capture the recipient’s attention from the outset.

Components of a Successful Cold Email:

  1. Subject Line: The subject line is the first thing the recipient will see, so make it count. Keep it concise, engaging, and relevant to the recipient’s interests or needs.
  2. Introduction: Start your email with a warm greeting and a brief introduction of yourself. Mention how you came across the company or the individual you’re reaching out to.
  3. Personalization: Personalization is key to making your cold email stand out. Reference specific details about the recipient or the company to demonstrate your genuine interest and enthusiasm.
  4. Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the value you can bring to the company and why you’re uniquely qualified for the role. Focus on how your skills and experience align with the company’s needs and objectives.
  5. Call to Action: End your email with a clear call to action, such as requesting an informational interview or expressing your eagerness to discuss potential opportunities further.

Optimizing Your Cold Email for Maximum Impact

Once you’ve crafted your cold email, it’s essential to optimize it for maximum impact. This involves paying attention to details such as tone, formatting, and language to ensure your message resonates with the recipient.

Tips for Optimizing Your Cold Email:

  1. Keep it Concise: Respect the recipient’s time by keeping your email concise and to the point. Aim for no more than a few paragraphs, focusing on the most relevant information.
  2. Showcase Your Personality: While maintaining a professional tone, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your writing. A conversational tone can help you stand out and make a memorable impression.
  3. Proofread Carefully: Typos and grammatical errors can undermine the effectiveness of your cold email, so proofread carefully before hitting send. Consider using tools like Grammarly to catch any mistakes.
  4. Follow Up Strategically: If you don’t receive a response after sending your cold email, don’t be afraid to follow up politely after a week or two. A well-timed follow-up can demonstrate your continued interest and commitment.

Follow-Up: The Secret Sauce to Cold Email Success

Following up is an often overlooked but critical aspect of cold emailing. Many job seekers make the mistake of sending a single email and then giving up when they don’t receive a response. However, research shows that following up can significantly increase your chances of getting a response.

Follow-Up The Secret Sauce to Cold Email Success

Strategies for Effective Follow-Up

  1. Be Persistent, But Not Pushy: While it’s important to follow up, it’s equally important to do so in a polite and respectful manner. Avoid coming across as pushy or desperate, as this can turn off the recipient.
  2. Provide Value: In your follow-up emails, consider providing additional value or information that may be of interest to the recipient. This can help keep the conversation going and demonstrate your expertise in your field.
  3. Use Multiple Channels: If you haven’t received a response to your initial email, consider reaching out through other channels such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Different people prefer different communication methods, so casting a wider net can increase your chances of getting a response.
  4. Know When to Move On: While persistence is important, it’s also essential to know when to move on. If you’ve followed up multiple times without receiving a response, it may be time to focus your efforts elsewhere.


Overcoming Common Challenges in Cold Emailing for Jobs

While cold emailing can be highly effective, it’s not without its challenges. From crafting the perfect subject line to dealing with rejection, there are several hurdles to navigate. However, with persistence, patience, and a willingness to learn from setbacks, you can overcome these challenges and achieve success in your job search.

Common Challenges in Cold Emailing

  1. Crafting the Perfect Subject Line: The subject line is the first thing the recipient will see, so it’s essential to make it compelling and relevant. This can be challenging, as you only have a few words to capture the recipient’s attention.
  2. Personalization: Personalizing your cold emails can be time-consuming, especially if you’re reaching out to multiple companies or individuals. However, it’s essential for making a meaningful connection and standing out from the crowd.
  3. Dealing with Rejection: Not every cold email will result in a positive response, and rejection is an inevitable part of the job search process. While it can be discouraging, it’s important not to take it personally and to keep pushing forward.
  4. Navigating Silence: One of the most challenging aspects of cold emailing is dealing with silence. It’s not uncommon for recipients to ignore cold emails altogether, leaving you wondering whether to follow up or move on.

Case Studies: Real-Life Examples of Successful Cold Emails

To illustrate the effectiveness of cold emailing, let’s explore some real-life examples of successful cold emails that led to job opportunities. These case studies will provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t when it comes to cold emailing for jobs.

Case Study 1: Sarah's Success Story

Sarah had been job hunting for several months without much success. She decided to try cold emailing as a last-ditch effort and crafted a personalized email to the CEO of her dream company. To her surprise, she received a response the same day and was invited for an interview. Sarah ultimately landed the job and credits her success to the power of cold emailing.

Case Study 2: John's Journey to Success

John had been struggling to find a job in his field for over a year. After sending dozens of resumes and receiving only a handful of responses, he decided to try a different approach. He researched his target companies carefully and crafted personalized cold emails to the hiring managers. While not every email resulted in a job offer, John was able to secure several interviews and ultimately landed a job at a company he was passionate about.

Introducing "Email Jinny" - Free Bulk Cold Emailing Tool

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your ultimate tool for sending cold emails with ease. With Email Jinny, you can send cold emails in bulk for free, forever! Our user-friendly platform allows you to streamline your email outreach efforts, saving you time and maximizing your reach. 

Whether you’re a seasoned job seeker or a business owner looking to expand your network, Email Jinny has you covered. And if you need more advanced features, we offer premium plans to suit your needs. Say goodbye to tedious manual email sending and hello to Email Jinny – your trusted partner in cold email outreach.

Cold emailing can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and strategies, you can unlock new opportunities and take your career or business to new heights. By leveraging the power of cold email outreach, you can connect with decision-makers, build relationships, and ultimately achieve your goals. 

With Email Jinny by your side, sending cold emails has never been easier or more effective. Try it out today and see the difference it can make in your job search or business growth journey.

FAQs: Burning Questions About Cold Emailing for Jobs

Is it appropriate to send cold emails for job opportunities?

Yes, sending cold emails can be a proactive way to explore job opportunities and make valuable connections in your desired industry.

How can I increase the likelihood of receiving a response to my cold email?

Personalize your emails, showcase your relevant skills and experience, and follow up strategically to maximize your chances of getting a response.

What should I include in my cold email?

Your cold email should include a compelling subject line, a brief introduction of yourself, a personalized message, your value proposition, and a clear call to action.

How long should my cold email be?

Aim for a length of around 150-200 words. Keep it concise and to the point, focusing on the most relevant information.

How should I follow up after sending a cold email?

Wait at least a week before following up, and keep your follow-up email polite and respectful. You can also try connecting with the recipient on LinkedIn or sending a brief reminder email.

What should I do if I don't hear back after sending a cold email?

Don’t be discouraged! Follow up politely after a reasonable period, and consider refining your approach based on feedback or insights gained from your outreach efforts.

How many times should I follow up if I don't receive a response?

It’s generally acceptable to follow up two or three times if you haven’t received a response. After that, it’s best to move on and focus your efforts elsewhere.

Should I send the same cold email to multiple companies?

While it’s tempting to send a generic email to multiple companies to save time, personalized emails are much more effective. Take the time to tailor each email to the specific recipient and company.

What should I do if I receive a rejection after sending a cold email?

Don’t take it personally! Thank the recipient for their response and ask if they have any feedback or suggestions for improvement. Use the experience as a learning opportunity and keep pushing forward.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my cold email outreach efforts?

Keep track of key metrics such as open rates, response rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns. Experiment with different strategies and iterate based on the results.


Crafting compelling cold emails for job applications is both an art and a science. By conducting thorough research, personalizing your emails, showcasing your value proposition, and following up strategically, you can increase your chances of landing interviews and securing your dream job. Remember, persistence and resilience are key traits of successful job seekers. Keep refining your approach, learn from setbacks, and never underestimate the power of a well-crafted cold email. Happy job hunting!